Some great memories and a lot of pictures.....
This is not a post about a dog. This is a post about a family member. If you are not an animal lover, or loved an animal just as much as you do your family, then you won't understand or you will think I have totally fallen off my rocker! I don't think I will get my words right, and I won't be able to say everything I want to about our guy. I am crying as I type because I can't believe he is really gone. I know some don't understand, but we love him so much. We have lost a family member today. Beau has been through a lot of living in his 13 1/2 years. He and Buttons were our comfort with the loss of all 4 grandparents, they were the ones I loved on when I was sad about anything, they were in my senior pictures of high school (I would have posted, but it is at my parent's house),they went with me every week to see my Granddad who I miss more than words, they were at my wedding, they give kisses to cheer me up when I am down, and they loved my little girl. Beau was a comfort even for Olivia when she was scared at first when I left to return for work. Olivia doesn't refer to going to my parents house as going to Mammy and Buppies, but says she is going to Beau Beau's home. Now, explain this to a three year old who has already lost so much. Even in such a short time, he captured her heart.
Beau is the second pup from the left. He is the mischievous one that has his head ducked down.
Dec. 1999
Beau was born at my parents house on November 3, 1999. We were so excited! Dad called mom and she quickly signed me out and we headed home. John's dad was already there and we were ready for the day. Buttons gave birth to 7 precious puppies. (I wanted to post some of those pictures of them, but I wanted to make this post happen today more....and these are all the pictures I have here. We have more at mom and dads, but this will do.) John missed the whole day because those were the days when he had a pager. I paged hiim all day with the letters PUPPIES....bless him....he tried to call that number all day! 7 letters must equal a phone number, right?! Don't you remember, pagers? You had to figure out the word from the given numbers. Well, he missed it. But by that evening, all 7 puppies were alive and well, and there was one tired Buttons. We had the puppies right up until the holidays. I can still remember them pulling Grandad's shoestrings and hearing my Grandma talk about how crazy we were to have seven 6 week old puppies in the house (in the kitchen!)at Christmas time. It was so hard telling each of them goodbye, but before we told any of them bye, we chose which one we wanted to keep. We knew this was a one time deal as far as having puppies, and we decided Beau was our fellow to keep.
He is a gentle little guy. Beau was not a snuggler at first. He wouldn't ever sit still. He was also a bit goofy seeming. Trust me, that works in our family! We made fun of the fellow's tail. We said it looked like a flag pole rather than the typical shih tzu curly tail.
Beau had a prance when he would walk that I will never forget. He was just, well, he was happy. His little back legs literally looked like they skipped along when he was walking. We always laughed when we watched him run or go up steps. His little legs would go everywhere. Everytime when they come in from outside they get a treat. They have become more demanding in the last few years and bark relentlessly until they get their treat, but Beau always took it like a gentleman. He was so easy and would barely open his mouth to take it. If he wanted to join us on the couch he would sit at our feet on the floor until he was invited. I know....different, but very true! Sometimes he needed three or four invitations. It depended on who was in the room and who was on the couch. When he laid down, he liked to be on the pillows on the couch. He got fussed at many times for this. He would get up there, turn 3 or 4 circles one way and then 3 or 4 the other. He would then scratch the pillows a bit to fluff them the way he wanted. Finally, he would lay down and huff.
More than anything, Beau loved a box. It didn't matter if it was a water box, clothes box, book box....clear the way, he was getting in. He would get in some tiny boxes, but he made himself fit and looked incredibly uncomfortable sometimes, but he claimed the box.
As years passed, and he lost his 'puppy' Beau became a loving guy. He wanted to be petted and loved attention. You could often find him cleaning his mama's face. I know from mom telling me of many sleepless nights that he literally sleeps on top of her. I have had my own first hand experience with that, and I would gladly take those sleepless nights just to have him by my side, Oscar on the other side, and Buttons at (more like on) my head. If he wasn't next to mom, he was belly up next to dad.
Mom teaches piano and everyday, you could find Beau in there taking piano lessons. He would sit the full three or four lessons, and she would say they were done for the day and he would prance out. Yesterday, mom played the piano just for Beau. He made his way into the piano room slowly and sat. I laid in the floor during that time and loved on him.
Last week, Beau quit eating and began to breathe funny. On Sunday, mom and dad took him to the vet and we found out that he had kidney failure. Apparently, this had been going on for a while, but we didn't know because he seemed fine to us. His blood work looked better as far as kidney's on Tuesday, but his pancreas had begun to fail. After a week of fluids, lots of shots, IV's and his first night ever stay at the vet (I don't think I slept a wink because I was worried about him being there alone), it was time to say goodbye.
Today he was buried in a box with his pooh (that he stole from me), his blanket and his bed. He is in my parents back yard. It is so hard to believe he is gone. He has been such a big part of our lives. We will always love our Beau Beau, and he is irreplaceable. Thanks Beau for the comfort, love and great years. Your little tired body is at peace now. I honestly can't see anything in front of me at this point because of tears. Our hearts are truly broken.
There are so many more pictures because we are a close family and that includes our four legged babies. Though my heart is incredibly sad, but I wouldn't trade the memories. We are so lucky to have each other and to have had Beau Beau. Here are some pictures of some great times!
Just having fun--Yes, he is in a flower basket/pot. (okay, maybe he wasn't having fun, but he was a good sport!) (2002)
The night before our wedding. I think he was ready for bed! (July 30, 2004)
Sitting at our church while I got my makeup done before our wedding. (July 31, 2004)
John has the picture I wanted to post at work. There is one of us each holding one before our wedding. I was holding Beau. He was holding Buttons.
Usually together! (Jan. 2008)
A very common scene. Both sitting with dad's lap.
Just enjoying family time.
Yard Sale fun. (2008)
Bedtime at our and dad had gone to Chattanooga to see my aunt and uncle. Up until the last two years, they would come to our house, but now it is too hard on them, so we go to mom and dad's to take care of them when they go out of town. (Sept. 12, 2008)
Enjoying the day!
Christmas 2009 ---yes, all the pups get wrapped presents each year. Oscar is the only one who unwraps them on his own though.
Such a patient fellow. He would sit and watch the girls play. (Feb. 14, 2010)
Ahhh, the perfect box! (Christmas 2010)
Ready for a nap.
Scoping out the kitchen for some food! Yum! (2010)
Their first meeting. Best buddies in the making! be honest, Beau was pretty happy to see me pick her up in the afternoon, but he loved her, too! (March 2011)
One last picture of our sweet guy! (June 27, 2012)
Beau Beau, we love you and we always will. You brought a ton of joy to each and every person you came in contact with. I miss you sweet boy!
November 3, 1999-June 28, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Happy 3rd Birthday
I can't believe our little girl is officially 3 years old today. It doesn't seem possible. Many times today I have wondered what her birth mother is doing and her foster mom. I am sure they are both wondering both how and what Miss. Olivia is doing. I am forever grateful to both of these women. Her birth mother gave her life! Her foster mother cared for her until we were able to bring her home. I am the true lucky one who gets to be with her every day. I get to experience all the fun and laughter. I love her so much and I know both of them do too. So, how was our day? Well, it was a simple day, but she seems quite pleased with it.
I put her in the car at 7:45 this morning still in her pj's. I had a doctors appointment at 8:45 and knew I would hit rush hour. I dressed her in the car once we got there. She was wonderful! It was a quick appointment and then I gave her a few breakfast options. She chose the doughnut shop!
We went to the Doughnut Den and then headed to Mammy and Buppies house. Unfortunately, our dog Beau is not doing well. He has kidney failure and we just learned of this on Sunday. He has been given fluids and lots of medicine, but he refuses to eat. There is nothing more that can be done, so we went to see him one last time. Olivia loves Beau. She doesn't say she is going to Mammy and Bubbies house, she says she is going to Beau Beau's home. Beau is the thing that helped us over that hump when I went back to work. He would snuggle up to her in the mornings and if she was upset, I would tell her to look at Beau who was patiently waiting for her to tell him hi. He would give her a big kiss!
After laying in the floor and loving on Beau, we left and came home for Olivia to nap. When she woke up, Annelyn was here to swim.
The girls had fun swimming for a couple of hours and then Nana stopped by with a present for Olivia. She gave her some sand toys and the girls then enjoyed playing in the sand box for a bit.
We loaded up and headed back to my parents because dad needed to use the post hole digger. This time I knew I didn't want to leave because I knew this was the last time I would get to love on him. I sat in the floor and sobbed. Mom and dad finally talked us into leaving and taking Olivia to do birthday stuff. So, we went to Academy Sports to get her present ( this is also tied into completing potty training, but two in one ain't a bad deal, right?!) We got a new trampoline for her! We then went to her favorite restaurant that she asked to go to which is Chick Fil A. I know....don't be jealous on that birthday dinner! ;) We walked across the street to DQ to enjoy a birthday blizzard.
Once we got home Annelyn and Leslie joined us to spend the night so mom and dad could have Buttons and Beau to themselves one more night.
I know there wasn't anything overly magical about today, but Olivia said she had a good day and we celebrated the best we could under the circumstances of our week. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I love you more than you could ever know. I am the lucky one because I get to be with you everyday. You made me a mommy. I am so blessed that you are my child. Praise the Lord that you were born on this day three years ago in Seoul, Korea. God had an amazing plan for you and I am so lucky to get to be in it! Happy, Happy Birthday sweet girl! We love you so much! As we say each day, "we love you to the..." and Olivia tells us "moon back, mommy!" And guess what Olivia....we do!!! All the way to that moon and back again!
I put her in the car at 7:45 this morning still in her pj's. I had a doctors appointment at 8:45 and knew I would hit rush hour. I dressed her in the car once we got there. She was wonderful! It was a quick appointment and then I gave her a few breakfast options. She chose the doughnut shop!
We went to the Doughnut Den and then headed to Mammy and Buppies house. Unfortunately, our dog Beau is not doing well. He has kidney failure and we just learned of this on Sunday. He has been given fluids and lots of medicine, but he refuses to eat. There is nothing more that can be done, so we went to see him one last time. Olivia loves Beau. She doesn't say she is going to Mammy and Bubbies house, she says she is going to Beau Beau's home. Beau is the thing that helped us over that hump when I went back to work. He would snuggle up to her in the mornings and if she was upset, I would tell her to look at Beau who was patiently waiting for her to tell him hi. He would give her a big kiss!
After laying in the floor and loving on Beau, we left and came home for Olivia to nap. When she woke up, Annelyn was here to swim.
The girls had fun swimming for a couple of hours and then Nana stopped by with a present for Olivia. She gave her some sand toys and the girls then enjoyed playing in the sand box for a bit.
We loaded up and headed back to my parents because dad needed to use the post hole digger. This time I knew I didn't want to leave because I knew this was the last time I would get to love on him. I sat in the floor and sobbed. Mom and dad finally talked us into leaving and taking Olivia to do birthday stuff. So, we went to Academy Sports to get her present ( this is also tied into completing potty training, but two in one ain't a bad deal, right?!) We got a new trampoline for her! We then went to her favorite restaurant that she asked to go to which is Chick Fil A. I know....don't be jealous on that birthday dinner! ;) We walked across the street to DQ to enjoy a birthday blizzard.
Once we got home Annelyn and Leslie joined us to spend the night so mom and dad could have Buttons and Beau to themselves one more night.
I know there wasn't anything overly magical about today, but Olivia said she had a good day and we celebrated the best we could under the circumstances of our week. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I love you more than you could ever know. I am the lucky one because I get to be with you everyday. You made me a mommy. I am so blessed that you are my child. Praise the Lord that you were born on this day three years ago in Seoul, Korea. God had an amazing plan for you and I am so lucky to get to be in it! Happy, Happy Birthday sweet girl! We love you so much! As we say each day, "we love you to the..." and Olivia tells us "moon back, mommy!" And guess what Olivia....we do!!! All the way to that moon and back again!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Olivia's 3rd birthday party....Bubble Guppy style!
Yesterday we celebrated Olivia's 3rd birthday with a Bubble Guppy themed party.

She had a great time! I had a few last minute disasters, but nothing that affected anyone but me and my OCD personality. Apparently, when you don't see the news for a few days you miss out on knowing that there is a helium shortage. What?? Are you kidding me?!?! So, an hour into the party, the balloons finally arrived. My sister in law had been looking for helium for almost 2 1/2 hours! Thank you Carla! I really appreciate you working so hard to make it happen! Thanks to my mother in law who sat and and folded the tissue and helping me fan out 20 tissue balls.

I didn't have stuff out and ready when people arrived like I wanted, but I was close. Luckily mom, dad, my sister, brother in law, aunts and uncles got here 30 min. early and we got the majority of it out. Also, thanks to dad--he came over mid morning and helped us with finishing up the yard. Of course I hadn't showered, but got one quickly and was back out. Dang it if I couldn't find the candles when it was time for cake! I knew I bought green squiggly candles a week ago. I brought them down yesterday, but in my flurry to get everything out, I put a pan on top of them and couldn't find them when it was time to sing happy birthday. Olivia, I promise you will have candles on Wednesday for your real birthday. I didn't think through the wind blowing over the characters and the heat not allowing glue dots to hold up Olivia's 12 mos. of pictures on the wall.

Praise the Lord for Danyell! That girl knew before the party that she would be in charge of pictures. I don't think I would have any otherwise.

So, the pluses.....I think everyone enjoyed themselves! The food was good and it wasn't miserably hot outside (but definitely hot enough!).

My aunt and uncle from DC said they were coming this summer. When they called mom to tell us when, it happened to be this weekend, so we got to enjoy having them here for the party! My other aunt, uncle and cousins came in from Chattanooga. I love anytime I get to spend with my family!

Love this because Olivia got her little blue chair and pulled it over (absolutely NO prompting) to be taller like Annelyn!

Karen, or better known now as KK has finished her missionary time in Mexico and she and her family are moving back. She has been traveling a ton this summer, but luckily, she was in town and able to come to Olivia's party! We have been friends since we were two.

I hope our girls will be friends and make lots of good memories together!
I noticed that most of the kiddos swam this summer.

Last summer they enjoyed bubbles and the smaller water area. We did have bubbles set up and "make your own bubble wand," and a slip and slide, but they mostly wanted to swim.

Works for me! :) I also noticed some kiddos on the swing set.

I am so glad that we have a big back yard that allows for the kids to do different things and be happy!!! I can't believe yesterday has come and gone. Isn't amazing that you work so hard to do something and it is over before you turn around? I am so thankful for all of the friends and family that were able to come!

In the end....when I have stepped back from the party, I am happy. I really have had to verbalize/write down the party so I could see the successes. In the end...Olivia had a GREAT time, and that is all that really matters, right?!?! You can see in the pictures that she was having fun and genuinely a happy girl! I am so blessed to call her my daughter!

Here are some additional pictures of the party and decorations. Again, thank you to all who came, helped and loved on my little one. We are truly blessed by each and every one of you!!!

Her banner for this year.

I was very pleased with her towel.

"Thanks for popping over!"

Enjoying our dinner on Olivia's new picnic table. Thanks Mammy and Bubby! See Oscar? That was something else that didn't get done....he was suppose to go to mom and dad's house, but we never got him there! He ate a TON of chicken last night!!! Sorry if he stole some from your plate. Gotta watch your food with him around. All bets are off when it comes to chicken and Oscar.

Ashley, did you make that tea?? ha! ha! ha! My mother in law made it, but her husband asked Ashley to carry it in on her way in, so several people told her it was good and asked how she made it.

Present time!!!

My friend, Paige, made the cake! It was yummy!!

She LOVED the cake and ice cream!
Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet girl!!!!
She had a great time! I had a few last minute disasters, but nothing that affected anyone but me and my OCD personality. Apparently, when you don't see the news for a few days you miss out on knowing that there is a helium shortage. What?? Are you kidding me?!?! So, an hour into the party, the balloons finally arrived. My sister in law had been looking for helium for almost 2 1/2 hours! Thank you Carla! I really appreciate you working so hard to make it happen! Thanks to my mother in law who sat and and folded the tissue and helping me fan out 20 tissue balls.
I didn't have stuff out and ready when people arrived like I wanted, but I was close. Luckily mom, dad, my sister, brother in law, aunts and uncles got here 30 min. early and we got the majority of it out. Also, thanks to dad--he came over mid morning and helped us with finishing up the yard. Of course I hadn't showered, but got one quickly and was back out. Dang it if I couldn't find the candles when it was time for cake! I knew I bought green squiggly candles a week ago. I brought them down yesterday, but in my flurry to get everything out, I put a pan on top of them and couldn't find them when it was time to sing happy birthday. Olivia, I promise you will have candles on Wednesday for your real birthday. I didn't think through the wind blowing over the characters and the heat not allowing glue dots to hold up Olivia's 12 mos. of pictures on the wall.
Praise the Lord for Danyell! That girl knew before the party that she would be in charge of pictures. I don't think I would have any otherwise.
So, the pluses.....I think everyone enjoyed themselves! The food was good and it wasn't miserably hot outside (but definitely hot enough!).
My aunt and uncle from DC said they were coming this summer. When they called mom to tell us when, it happened to be this weekend, so we got to enjoy having them here for the party! My other aunt, uncle and cousins came in from Chattanooga. I love anytime I get to spend with my family!
Love this because Olivia got her little blue chair and pulled it over (absolutely NO prompting) to be taller like Annelyn!
Karen, or better known now as KK has finished her missionary time in Mexico and she and her family are moving back. She has been traveling a ton this summer, but luckily, she was in town and able to come to Olivia's party! We have been friends since we were two.
I hope our girls will be friends and make lots of good memories together!
I noticed that most of the kiddos swam this summer.
Last summer they enjoyed bubbles and the smaller water area. We did have bubbles set up and "make your own bubble wand," and a slip and slide, but they mostly wanted to swim.
Works for me! :) I also noticed some kiddos on the swing set.
I am so glad that we have a big back yard that allows for the kids to do different things and be happy!!! I can't believe yesterday has come and gone. Isn't amazing that you work so hard to do something and it is over before you turn around? I am so thankful for all of the friends and family that were able to come!
In the end....when I have stepped back from the party, I am happy. I really have had to verbalize/write down the party so I could see the successes. In the end...Olivia had a GREAT time, and that is all that really matters, right?!?! You can see in the pictures that she was having fun and genuinely a happy girl! I am so blessed to call her my daughter!
Here are some additional pictures of the party and decorations. Again, thank you to all who came, helped and loved on my little one. We are truly blessed by each and every one of you!!!
Her banner for this year.
I was very pleased with her towel.
"Thanks for popping over!"
Enjoying our dinner on Olivia's new picnic table. Thanks Mammy and Bubby! See Oscar? That was something else that didn't get done....he was suppose to go to mom and dad's house, but we never got him there! He ate a TON of chicken last night!!! Sorry if he stole some from your plate. Gotta watch your food with him around. All bets are off when it comes to chicken and Oscar.
Ashley, did you make that tea?? ha! ha! ha! My mother in law made it, but her husband asked Ashley to carry it in on her way in, so several people told her it was good and asked how she made it.
Present time!!!
My friend, Paige, made the cake! It was yummy!!
She LOVED the cake and ice cream!
Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet girl!!!!
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