On the 18th of July, Easton had a little surgery scheduled. We dropped Olivia off at Mammy and Buppies, and then headed for the hospital. We got there, got registered, and waited. As we sat, I didn't worry about Easton and anesthesia. Instead, I was so grateful that we were there for a simple, small procedure. I was sad for the family that waited while their son, grandson, nephew was in surgery for a tumor on his brain. I couldn't help but think about sweet Will as he battles his fight of cancer in Wisconsin.
I was a grateful mama!
Easton was a champ this day! He played on the way to the hospital.
Sat and looked at magazines and let us contain him for almost two hours before getting admitted.
Finally, we were back, changed, and ready! Not much longer now, right?!?!

Luckily, we got to ride in the car. He rocks pink really well! He has a pinkalicious car at home because when you have an older sister, you get her hand me down toys and pink it is! He wheeled around and played for 2 more hours. He was still in a great mood! He hadn't eaten (nor had I) since 8:00 the night before and it was well after 2 p.m. Our doctor came in and told us that it wouldn't be much longer. He was just behind. Easton's surgery was scheduled for 1:30 and I figured it would be late as most doctors typically are! We continued to wheel around and hold Easton because he can't run wild here. At 4:00 our doctor showed back up. He told us that the operating rooms had been closed down. He didn't know how long this would be. We decided to wait it out in hopes that they would open back up. At 5:10 our doctor came back in and told us that the best case scenario was that the OR would open at 6. He said he could come back and it could be 8. He just didn't know. They had taken his staff and put them in the ER since it was a Friday night to be sure they were staffed for any traumas that came in. Therefore, small surgeries got bumped. I have NEVER heard of anything like this, but it was out of our hands. We decided that since Easton was beginning to give out that it was time to go feed him and reschedule. Plus.....we had an airport homecoming to get to!

We went down to the food court at the hospital and loaded him up with whatever he wanted. Off we went to the airport with one tired boy! I hated that Olivia wouldn't be with us because she had talked about this ALL week, but we couldn't get home to get her and get back.
At this point, it was 5:25 and we had 30 min to make it to the airport to welcome home sweet Nell. We made it!!! We usually have balloons or a great sign (an adoption mama, ahem, Mary Leigh, told me once that these were a must!), but in lieu of our day, we were just happy to see get home!
Round two.....pretty excited to be out and about even at 5:30 a.m. Where are we headed, guys?!
Oh....this again!
All this because the nurse is getting his vitals. Can we say drama!!
All done! He did amazingly well! He snoozed it off and drank some water. We were back home by 9:30 a.m.
Heading home.
He tried to play a bit, but the anesthesia took the day to wear off.
He woke up long enough for a little lunch.
Even day two he was still sleepy! Oscar is a great napping partner!
Glad this is behind us! He is a good little patient and is back to his busy self.