Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Happy 5th birthday Easton!

Somehow we blinked and our little guy is 5!

That is so hard to soak up. Five is so big and he is quickly growing! He is a happy little guy, most of the time. He LOVES to he outdoors. He loves anything that moves and climbs and plays on the swingset. He is all boy!
 I love that he and my dad share a birthday!!
We celebrated his birthday bubble guppy style. This kid is obsessed with bubble guppies these days. He can't sit and actually watch a full episode, but he sure does love the idea of it. We watched the same episode almost all summer, but only parts of it.
He was so excited to have his party and have time for himself. He does love attention. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Summer Ends and School Begins

Such a bittersweet time of year. I always hate to see the end of summer. The long days, a lighter schedule (which still has to he structured for Easton), family time, swimming, and friends. We had a great time and enjoyed each day!

It's so hard to believe Olivia is a 1st grader! She has loved each and every day of 1st grade so far!

I am so fortunate that her class is literally right next door to me in my sweet friends room.