Monday, April 22, 2013

Loving Nell BIG

Last night we went to an auction for our friends Nick and Mary Leigh.
 Everything was done so well!!
As a table host, we had to supply our centerpiece. 
So, here ya go Nell, more hairbows!!
From the looks of things, the evening was a huge success.  Our table enjoyed each other and shared some great laughs!  These girls are getting to be big buddies....sometimes.  It was a perfect evening for an outdoor event!! 
 I myself walked away with a few goodies!  Their items were amazing, and I could have probably bid on a lot more items!!

This is only 1/2 of the auction items!
I loved that looking around the bulk of families there adoptive families.  We were surrounded by people who get it.  Surrounded by people who understand the cost and need of help.  Everyone opened their pockets and went to bidding and donating! 

After some talking and bidding it was upstairs for dinner and a quick video of Miss Nell.  Dinner consisted of yummy chicken, green beans and potatoes.  The kids had hot dogs.  Then for dessert, sundae's were served! 

Before we knew it, the evening was over.  With a lick/seal of an envelope, we handed our donations to Mary Leigh and headed home (after getting our auction items).  Thanks Brown family for allowing us to be part of your journey.  We are so blessed by your family!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Break 2013

A couple weeks ago, we enjoyed a week of Spring Break!  Though it snowed a few days of break, we enjoyed the time off of work.  I envisioned warm days and going to the zoo and park.  Instead, we stayed bundled in most days and just enjoyed each other. 

We slept in late a couple days.  This is what I woke up to.  For some reason, Olivia is unzipping her pj's in the night saying she is 'hot', but this particular morning I found her snuggled to her favorite fellow, Oscar. 

We went to Sweet Cece's to welcome spring and enjoy some ice cream!

We went out to check the weather in our pjs.  Notice the blueberry on her nose.  We had just finished up fresh pancakes with yummy blueberries on them. 

This girl requested to go "shop shop" everyday of break!  I have met my match!! 

Checking out the new house and doing some twirling!

A little teeth brushing

Another spring celebration at Maggie Moos ice cream!  YUM!
A very low key spring break, but what a wonderful kiddo that I got to spend it with.  We had a ton of fun together, and I treasured each day.  I love you so much Olivia.  I can't get over how quickly you are growing and changing.  You are forming your own opinions these days and letting us know what you think/want.  I love your sassy, spunky, fun loving personality.  Please remind mommy of these great qualities when you are 15 and I am not loving the sassiness!
  What a wonderful season we are in!  I am so blessed and lucky to get to be your mommy.  Yes, I am the lucky one in this story!  I look at you and just want to squeeze you with hugs and kisses.  I can't express how much I love you.  I see your Asian beauty, but above all, I see my daughter.  I see a child that God created for me.  I am so proud to be your mom.  
Though some days are more challenging than others, you me laugh and smile every single one of those days!  I can't wait until summer to enjoy lots of days with you.  We will eat lots of ice cream, enjoy snuggles, and spend a ton of time outside.  Lots of fun days ahead!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

Easter morning started with a tired girl who wasn't sure about looking in her Easter basket.  She perked up and finally went through it.  Oscar seemed ready to go!  He quickly went through his basket and was off playing with his "new" toy.  Olivia pointed out that he (amazingly) had another one just like it downstairs.  The Easter bunny forgot a few things, but mommy came to the rescue and gave them to her later in the day.  They were a pair of doctor scrubs (she is now Doc Olivia instead of Doc McStuffins) and a couple books. 

she looks super sleepy!

I then headed downstairs to make her a special breakfast. 
bunny sweet rolls!!! 

       Olivia dropped a full bunny face on the floor.  No worries, Harley cleaned it up!

So she started again with another one. 

Then it was off to church for a great Easter morning service.  He is risen!  Jesus is ALIVE!!!

After church, we headed over to John's aunts house where we celebrated Amy's (John's sister) birthday as well as Easter. 
John was having her pretend that the balloons were making her fly away.  She loved it!

She was ducking here since Aunt Amy was throwing eggs and accidentally bounced one off of Olivia's head.  She wanted to catch one, but wanted to take cover, too.  We all had a great laugh out of this!
Daddy pitched in to help her catch a few eggs.  They had fun doing this instead of an indoor hunt since it was raining out. 

Cousin Allayney

Checking out all her new treats.

All the cousins on John's side of the family.  Unfortunately, they are all almost grown up, but they are so sweet to play with Olivia.  Olivia loves her Brittney, that is the cousin she is snuggled up to.   

Olivia and Mick Mick.  She loves him!
We loaded back into the car to head over to mom and dad's house to celebrate with my family.  Leslie and her crew were already at the house when we arrived.  The first order of business was to have their Easter egg hunt.  Olivia proved to be a bit of competition this year zipping around the house grabbing eggs. 
Favorite picture of the day!  I love this!!!





 After the hunt they looked through their mountain of eggs. 

While they were checking this out, Oscar decided he was ready to look through more Easter Baskets! (mom had them covered so the girls would see them at the same time)

On to baskets before Oscar got everything and before dinner!!
Giving Buppy love and thanking him for all the great Easter stuff.  I am sure he picked it all out himself, right?!? ;)

Sporting their new Tinkerbell sunglasses!
We stopped all the chaos fun, and went to enjoy a great dinner.  We are so blessed to all sit around the table and celebrate together.  My oh my how I love my family.  Sometimes I look around and wish I could freeze time.  (ok, add in Easton and then freeze!) 
It was getting late so the last fun item for the day was for the girls to dye eggs together.  They had a lot of fun doing this, but we were all tired at this point. 

Happy Easter!!!  We are one blessed crew!