Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Adeline Joy!

Today is another reminder that God is good all the time! He is in control. After 9 long months of worry, fear and a lot of praying, Miss Adeline joined the world around 5 p.m. on July 5th. As many of you know, my sister did not have an easy pregnancy. Odds looked bad for Adeline much of the pregnancy. It was scary, but at the end of the day, we knew God would take care of Adeline. Praise the Lord that her little heart is beating, she has all ten fingers and all ten toes and appears very alert! She was bruised upon arrival, but Les just sent me a picture of her this morning and she looks a TON better! Our visit was short since it was so late when we got there, but mainly because Olivia had an accident. Her first accident in pubic. She apparently couldn't hold it another second to get to the bathroom. She wanted to touch Adeline, so John went to wash her hands. The water came on, and well, her "plumbing" let loose. Bless her heart! She went home barefoot and nothin on under her little dress. Oh well, that's just the way it is sometimes.

Her is the sweet little lady!

See how blue and bruised her little face was? The rest of her was as pink as a pig!

Olivia wasn't so impressed. She was more interested in her crackers.

Interested somewhat and wanting to hold her....right before washing her hands!

An almost family picture. Annelyn was at Grammy and Grampy's house. Maybe we can get one of the four of them today!

This morning!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad the little lady is here and mom and baby are doing great! She looks just like Annelyn. :) Congrats Leslie & Jeremy!
