Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mother's Day .

I NEVER blogged about my first Mother's Day with Easton home!  We went over to John's moms house for lunch and then to my parent's for dinner.  I LOVE spending time with my family!  As for the day in general, it was a normal Sunday, but as I rocked Easton to sleep, I thought about the last two years that came and went without him home.  I remember wondering, more than just on Mother's Day, what he would be like,  what would he sound like, how would he feel in my arms, what would his personality be? 
I am so happy that I can now answer all of the above questions.  I might have rocked him a bit longer than usual that night as I looked at his sweet sleeping face.  He is still adjusting, and it isn't always happy and smiles, but we are getting into our groove, finally!  Can you tell he is sweating?!  He can have a bath and be squeaky clean.  In no time he is sweating like a little pig!  

Miss Olivia came home with her Mother's Day craft.  I always look forward to this!  It seems to be similar questions each year, so I enjoy seeing the difference a year makes! 
I can't think of a better gift from my girl.  After I made over this gift we played, had dinner and then bath (this was the Thursday before Mother's Day).  As I was putting her lotion on after bath she asked me, "mommy, what you gonna give me for Mother's day?"  Hmmmm......I didn't know this was a holiday that I needed to give her something??!!  Well, I had wanted to get her one of the mother daughter necklaces, but it hadn't happened.  I explained that this was a day for mommy's.  She didn't like my response and still wanted to know what she was getting.  As luck would have it, Mother's day came and went and she never asked that question again.  She and John gave me some flowers and we enjoyed the day with our newest addition. 


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