Friday, June 1, 2012

2 words......

Potty Training!

No really, so far, it isn't too bad. We started training on Monday. I didn't really count Monday though because we were on the go, so what do you think she wore the majority of the day? Yep, diapers. She wore her Dora underwear while we were home, but her diapers while we were out. When we got home, she quickly found entertainment in having mommy and daddy run her to the bathroom. So, I called her bluff the third time of running from outside to the potty and less tahn a minute later we had a puddle in our garage. Who's the idiot now....yep, me! So, Tuesday, we stayed home. We succuessfully wore the same pair of dora undies all day! She was super proud of herself and I was proud of her, too! Yesterday I had to work some, so she went to Grammy and Grampy's house, or better known these days as Mammy and Buppie. Well, three pairs of underwear later it was time for her to come back home. Mom helped me in the garage as we are trying to have a garage sale this weekend. Once she left, we went in and had dinner. Olivia had stayed dry this whole time. We ate dinner and I thought it would be fun to make cookies. As I got the stuff out to make them, a big puddle filled the chair and then started dripping onto the floor. So, scratch the cookies....we did slice and bakes instead! Olivia had a great bath and then enjoyed a warm cookie. Well, today was a new day! She woke up this morning with a dry diaper. I immediately found a clean pair of Dora and we put them on. We had to go to my parents' house to let the pups out, so I made her go before we left. Ambitious as I was, we ventured out in the car with underware on! Every mile (hello people, its only 6 miles away) I asked, "is Dora dry?"--Luckily, the response was yes everytime! We were headed home to swim and I asked Olivia which she would rather do--swim or go see daddy. Well, she wanted to go see daddy. Ok I can officially stamp idiot on my forehead! Here we are, day three of potty training, and I am going to take my child in her dry Dora underware twenty-five minutes down the road. Well, I know, the suspense is killing you! We made it!!!! She made it all the way there without having an accident! We went to get lunch with daddy and then it was time to head home for a nap. I put a diaper on her because I knew she would fall asleep on the way home. She woke up from nap still dry. So, success again! Yes, I am bragging because tomorrow is a new day and it might not go so smoothly---she is still only learning! :) Here we the same undies that we started the day in and we headed out to get ice cream with a friend. Four bathroom runs later (with NOTHING happening) we left sweet cece's. I did wonder if she would understand the story of the little boy who cried wolf. Ha---I know....doubtful. On our way home, she informed me when I asked if Dora was dry that nope, she wasn't. I tried not to lose my cool, and told her its ok. (trust me, in my head I was crapping because here we are, four false bathroom runs with nothing and you pee in your carseat?!?! Don't you know the rule...I don't even allow food in that seat much less pee! C'mon!) But, I continued to say, "its ok, accidents happen." We pulled in and I got her out of her seat only to find that she was dry! She smiled and took off running. Really???!!!! It's now pushing 6 so daddy was almost home. They went for a quick swim before the rain and I went for a quick visit to meet Miss. Micah who was born today. (and might I add she is SUPER cute!) When I got home I found Olivia on the potty with John saying that she said she needed to poop. Apparently she had been there a few minutes so I went in and talked to her and she said she was done. I got her up and within 5 minutes she pooped her pants. Um...I was gone 45 minutes dad. I told John that one happened on his watch. ;) She made it the rest of the day in new Dora's. So, yes, I am proud of my 2, almost 3 year old who did a fabulous job today. She is a stinker, but man, I love that kid! She definitely keeps us on our toes!

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