We came home and napped. After showers, we headed out to dinner. We gave every possible restaurant as an option. Guess where we ended up. Chick fil A....again. After that, we went to get ice cream at Maggie Moo's. Unfortunately, there isn't a picture of that since goofy blew out the candle before we even got the words, "happy birthday" out of our mouths. We always try to blow the smoke to Korea for her birth mother. I can't help but continuously think of her on this particular day. What are her thoughts? Is she worried? I pray that she knows Olivia is well taken care of and happy. We are so blessed and cannot be more thankful for her birthmother.
After Maggie Moo's we went to the pet shop where we got the fish we had promised several weeks ago. She ended up with two beta fish. What ever happened to .29 cent fish and a small bowl? It was going to be C.R.A.Z.Y. expensive to get the tank and get it started so betas and no pump were ideal. Olivia was pleased and I figure we will be flushing them in a few weeks so I didn't want to spend a fortune.
When we got home, we were in the bed and she said, "I like that water. Can we go back soon?" Yes ma'am. We will! We all had a great day!
Olivia Rae, you are the best part of every day. You make me laugh and you are uniquely you. Sometimes you know how to push every button I have, but at the end of the day I know that God put you in our arms on purpose. I cannot be thankful enough! You are my daughter. We are so similar in so many ways. I cannot wait to watch you grow and become a young lady (not too fast, please). It is amazing to watch you change daily. I love to hear the funny things you say.
You have started to like girly things such as princesses, dress up and dolls. However, I know I can find you pushing a dump truck around in a princess outfit. I hope you always are confident in yourself and know that we love you so much. As we say daily, we love you to the moon and back. Your current response is "I love you to the hotel and back." You love a hotel as long as you are snuggled between us. We are beyond blessed to have you as our daughter. I hope one day you have a little girl of your own and love her as much as we love you. You are an amazing person and you made me a mommy. I am so grateful that I get to travel this journey with you. I love you sweet girl!
looking for the water park
drinking her snow cone
Ready for dinner--round 2 of CFA!
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