Sunday, December 20, 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas is a time filled with busy schedules, family, whiny and tired kids, food that I should NOT eat, and fun.  This year, we really tried to focus on the fun of the season.  I soaked up everyday.  Each season I get to go shopping with dad.  He hates to shop, but we manage to laugh and have fun.  Our first shopping trip out we never made it out of the car from the parking lot where we met.  Bust.  We went the next night and got mom's present.  He then wrapped it himself (which I usually do all of his wrapping.)  I love when dad is silly.  He wrapped it in several boxes only after giving her an air conditioning grate and a faucet.  She got a new ipad!  Way to go Buppy.  He is one of a kind and I am so lucky he is my dad!

The season continued to fly by and before we knew it, it was time for Christmas at John's moms' house.  Olivia and Easton unfortunately shared their funk they had had and now Nana had it.  She didn't feel well, but had us all over and fed us and then we did presents. (she wasn't contagious!)   I had some very happy kiddos.  Their cousins on this side are all adults (except 1 teenager), so my kids get away with a lot of there.

Amber, Olivia's oldest cousin, has a heart of gold.  She and her husband are always so thoughtful and do way too much for our family at Christmas.  Olivia loves "Hamburger."

This kid LOVES music!  He was so excited to get this!  Way to go Amber.  

Yep, this happened.  No clue, but 10 seconds later..... is good again!

Olivia was super excited to get the horse for her American Girl doll.  Little did she know that a few days later she would be getting her new AG doll! 

 He has quite the personality!  Here he is pointing to Chase saying, "I love lou Chase! I love lou Chase!  (over and over)

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