Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Day

We woke Olivia up around 8:30 and headed upstairs.  She is very slow to wake up and didn't do anything at first.  We then learned she was a bit sad (See Christmas Eve post).  Oscar, however, didn't have any trouble locating his own present and diving in!

She finally decided to get started on her Santa presents!  She is currently playing with all of her new stuff and LOVES it all!!! John and I have gotten every toy out of the box and organized.  I think overall, she had an amazing Christmas.  Like me, she is overwhelmed and so excited about Christmas that it comes off as disappointing when it is over.  I am not sure she was ever really sad about her gifts, just that the day was here and it would be gone. 

She and Oscar are checking out stockings.

After presents and showers, we went to my parent's house to have Christmas.  We quickly got started on gifts there and had an unbelievable amount of gifts and mess!
The BEST parents in this world.  I sure do love these two!!!!!

One happy kiddo!

Enjoying Christmas at Mammy's and Buppies.

Taking a break for a little "fishing" as my dad calls it.
 Olivia is so excited about all her princess barbie's that she jumped in Annelyns' arms and they spun around and around.

After spinning, she was able to sit down to check out all of the Princess Barbie's.

 After presents, brunch and a little hang out time, we went to John's moms' house.  Again...too much stuff, but everyone enjoyed food, gifts and company!
Oscar started opening his presents first.  Yep, he found them here as well.  Bless him, he walked around with a bag on his head for a few minutes pulling at his new toys.  He has slept for 2 days from all the action!


reaction!  Love how excited she was for her new nail polish.  I have one girly girl.  She squealed after this and jumped up and down.

Her unexpected gift....

Can you tell, she is a wee bit happy!!!
My aunt and uncle came in, so we went back to mom's house to hang out for a while.  I love it when we are all together.  Lots (I mean LOTS) of laughs and fun had by all!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I have always loved Christmas, but watching it through Olivia's eyes is way more fun than any gift I could receive.  I also now know how my parents must have felt all those years when I loved everything I got but came off as disappointed.  Break a mama's heart!!!  It was a great day and I am now headed to play with some of our new toys.  Bless, we now have legos.  UGH!  She however, loves them!!!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we woke up to a message from Skippy our elf!
  Apparently, he had fun with post its the night before!!

We got ready to head to our annual breakfast at John's dads' house.  It is always yummy!  After we were all stuffed, we opened some presents.  Olivia was super excited to help pass out gifts this year.


She was one happy girl with her new Doc dress up!!  She put it on immediately, but I didn't get a picture because she ran off.  She examined several people and didn't want to take it off when it was time to leave! 
After we left, I called mom to see what time she wanted us to come over.  I figured she would say, "now," but she needed a bit more time.  Going to Korea kind of put us all behind, so she needed a few more hours. 
We got to mom's and Leslie and her family came shortly after.  There were two VERY excited girls that were squealing and running around.  They got sent upstairs to work a puzzle!

Annelyn fell out of the picture laughing so hard at Olivia.  They are a matched pair these days!

Look at them taking turns....good job girls!  Ok, when we went back downstairs, they probably started fussing over it, but it looks like they are sharing here.
Ready for cookie baking!!

...Oscar is ready, too!

Olivia is still decorating even while this one is being put onto the pan.  She got a bit carried away with her first one. 

Each Christmas Eve we open two presents. 

I loved this picture because of Adeline in the background!  She is bent over smiling SO BIG!

Ready for bed!

Ages 6 1/2, 4 1/2 and 18 mos.  Wishing the 2 1/2 year old was here for this!

Mammy read two stories to the girls. 

Olivia LOVES these pop up books! 

Oscar wasn't impressed!

When we got home, we put out cookies for Santa.  Well, I put them out.  Olivia didn't want to.  She was a tad bit scared again this year. 

Santa came, but unfortunately didn't have that WOW present.  Thanks Target and your scamming.  My debit card didn't go through on an online order when all the Target stuff was happening.  She was suppose to have a gymnastics mat delivered between the 18-22nd.  I ordered it before leaving for Korea and I got the confirmation email that said, "thank you for your order...".  That is what I saw on my email, so I didn't click into it.  When you click into the email, there is a "but we were unable to process your order."  The only thing I can figure is the Target thing because I placed orders on the same card when we got back.  I bought the mat at the same time our cards were being scammed.  Stink!!  We had one mildly disappointed girl.  She kept slumping over.  I did learn on Christmas Eve that she only wanted two things.  She said, "I want the Doc McStuffins check up center and the Sophia the First desk."  Um....sorry kiddo, we didn't have either of those.  I explained to her that I looked at them back in September, but it looked like she was too big for it.  I also told her she could take her own money and buy it if she wanted.  Lesson learned....don't just tell me and Santa, "I want Doc and Sophia stuff."  Be more specific! 
As the day went on, she pepped up and seems to LOVE everything now.  It's hard to be little!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ho Ho Ho!

In the attempt to get ready for Christmas, we decorated three trees (Mammy and Buppy's, Nana's and our own) over the weekend, finished our decorations at home and made some gingerbread Snoopy houses that Skippy, our elf, brought us.  We were all still quite jet lagged, but we got it all accomplished!  Olivia and John slelpt through Mammy and Buppy's and I napped at Nana's after they decorated. 

Oscar is getting into the holiday spirit.  Can't you tell??
 Adding a few ornaments before her nap. 
 Annelyn could hang ornaments up high this year without help.  I can't believe she is almost 7!!
 Such a happy girl!!
 After decorating Mammy and Buppy's tree, we came home and decorated our tree and made these lovely gingerbread houses. 
 We all worked on this project.  Even Oscar!

 These things were miserable to make!!  Dang you Skippy!  Mine is in the middle....I got so frustrated I threw in the towel.  It kept collapsing.  Olivia cheated and John helped her. ;)  His is on the left, then mine, and then Olivia's.
 Sunday we went to Nana's house and John's youngest niece decided to be the tree rather than decorate. 
 Olivia seemed to enjoy decorating this tree the most of all three.  I think she was starting to feel more like herself at this point. 
 She pretended to be a nutcracker.....
 and gobbled up Oscar. He is such a good sport!
 Tonight I finally hung the stockings after painting the letters.  I need to space them evenly, but I like how it turned out.  This is definitely different from our old house mantle decorations for Christmas.  I am loving burlap this season.  I need to add some to the garland here.