Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ho Ho Ho!

In the attempt to get ready for Christmas, we decorated three trees (Mammy and Buppy's, Nana's and our own) over the weekend, finished our decorations at home and made some gingerbread Snoopy houses that Skippy, our elf, brought us.  We were all still quite jet lagged, but we got it all accomplished!  Olivia and John slelpt through Mammy and Buppy's and I napped at Nana's after they decorated. 

Oscar is getting into the holiday spirit.  Can't you tell??
 Adding a few ornaments before her nap. 
 Annelyn could hang ornaments up high this year without help.  I can't believe she is almost 7!!
 Such a happy girl!!
 After decorating Mammy and Buppy's tree, we came home and decorated our tree and made these lovely gingerbread houses. 
 We all worked on this project.  Even Oscar!

 These things were miserable to make!!  Dang you Skippy!  Mine is in the middle....I got so frustrated I threw in the towel.  It kept collapsing.  Olivia cheated and John helped her. ;)  His is on the left, then mine, and then Olivia's.
 Sunday we went to Nana's house and John's youngest niece decided to be the tree rather than decorate. 
 Olivia seemed to enjoy decorating this tree the most of all three.  I think she was starting to feel more like herself at this point. 
 She pretended to be a nutcracker.....
 and gobbled up Oscar. He is such a good sport!
 Tonight I finally hung the stockings after painting the letters.  I need to space them evenly, but I like how it turned out.  This is definitely different from our old house mantle decorations for Christmas.  I am loving burlap this season.  I need to add some to the garland here. 

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